#DSFierceLiving is coming to #BLISSDOM12 on February 24@2:30 pm

Great News!  Digital Sisterhood Network (DSN) founder Ananda Leeke is headed to BLISSDOM to speak about #DSFierceLiving (DSN’s 2012 theme) during her writing session, “Fierce Living from Your Creative Heart”  on February 24 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm.  See the description below.


Calling all creative women!  You know who you are Ms. Artist, Collage Maker, Crafter, Dancer, Dramatic Performer, Musician, Painter, Photographer, Poet, Sculptor, and Ms. Writer.  When’s the last time you allowed yourself the space to dream, imagine, and create something that inspired a deep feeling of peace, play, and fulfillment?  Wait no more. During this session, you will have an opportunity to explore your inner women (also known as archetypes or personalities) and the role they play in your creativity through mindful writing exercises and discussion.  The takeaways include ways to tap into your inner women’s intuition, imagination, and nurturing energy as “fierce living” growth opportunities for 2012 and beyond.

FYI — Join #DSFierce Living Conversations on #DigitalSisterhood Wednesdays

“Fierce Living” is the DSN’s 2012 theme.  DSN founder Ananda Leeke defines Fierce Living as,

“the mindful practice of unplugging, understanding, and unifying who I am online and offline from the inside out so I am able to express myself fully in my healthy living journey, Digital Sisterhood book writing, art, and work as a coach, digital media producer, yoga teacher, and innerpreneur.”

DSN recognizes that Fierce Living means different things to different people. That’s why we are hosting #DSFierceLiving conversations on Facebook, Pinterest, Survey Monkey, and Twitter on #DigitalSisterhood Wednesdays in 2012.

Here are four ways you can participate.

1) LIKE Digital Sisterhood on Facebook, visit the page on #DigitalSisterhood Wednesdays, and share what you are doing to make fierce living a reality in your daily life.

2) Create a #DSFierceLiving 2012 board on Pinterest and share what fierce living looks like in your life. Cross post your Pinterest link on Digital Sisterhood Facebook page. Also, tweet the link on Twitter with the hashtag #DSFierceLiving. DSN will retweet it. Click here to check out Ananda Leeke’s #DSFierceLiving Board on Pinterest.

3) Follow @Digitalsisterhd on Twitter and participate in #DigitalSisterhood Wednesdays by tweeting your favorite digital sisters. Tweet about your acts of fierce living by using the hashtag #DSFierceLiving.

4) Participate in #DSFierceLiving 2012 Conversation on Survey Monkey by answering six easy and fun questions about your fierce living definition, sheroes, and inspirational music.


Learn About #DSFierceLiving in 2012

The 2012 theme of Digital Sisterhood Network (DSN) is ”Fierce Living.” DSN founder Ananda Leeke defines fierce living as,

“the mindful practice of unplugging, understanding, and unifying who I am online and offline from the inside out so I am able to express myself fully in my healthy living journey, Digital Sisterhood book writing, art, and work as a coach, digital media producer, yoga teacher, and innerpreneur.”

Oprah Winfrey is one of Ananda’s fierce living sheroes because she reminds women that they are stronger than they know. Now that’s fierce living!

What is your definition of fierce living?

Who are your fierce living sheroes?

DSN recognizes that fierce living means different things to different people. That’s why we are hosting #DSFierceLiving conversations on Facebook, Pinterest, Survey Monkey, and Twitter on #DigitalSisterhood Wednesdays in 2012.

Here are four ways you can participate.

1) LIKE Digital Sisterhood on Facebook, visit the page on #DigitalSisterhood Wednesdays, and share what you are doing to make fierce living a reality in your daily life.

2) Create a #DSFierceLiving 2012 board on Pinterest and share what fierce living looks like in your life. Cross post your Pinterest link on Digital Sisterhood Facebook page. Also, tweet the link on Twitter with the hashtag #DSFierceLiving. DSN will retweet it. Click here to check out Ananda Leeke’s #DSFierceLiving Board on Pinterest.

3) Follow @Digitalsisterhd on Twitter and participate in #DigitalSisterhood Wednesdays by tweeting your favorite digital sisters. Tweet about your acts of fierce living by using the hashtag #DSFierceLiving.

4) Participate in #DSFierceLiving 2012 Conversation on Survey Monkey by answering six easy and fun questions about your fierce living definition, sheroes, and inspirational music.


SPECIAL NOTE: From January 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012, Digital Sisterhood Network (DSN) will limit its online and offline activity to its weekly #DigitalSisterhood Wednesday celebration on Facebook, Pinterest, Survey Monkey, and Twitter. During this time period, DSN founder Ananda Leeke will be focused on completing and publishing her book, Digital Sisterhood, a memoir.